God Made Visible
This week, we are going to take a deep dive into C.S. Lewis' favourite Psalm.
Spend time reading Psalm 19 over the weekend. Don't just read quickly; take time to stop and smell the roses. Psalm 19 is a rich exploration of creation, Scripture and the human heart.
Verses 1-6 are all about creation. 7-11 focus on Scripture. 12-14 is a prayer from someone who knows how good and awesome God is but is insecure about his own weaknesses and failures. You can't see it in English, but when the Psalm shifts from talking about God the creator (v.1-6) to how God is revealed in Scripture (v.7-11), the author switches up the terms he uses to refer to God. In the first part of the Psalm, he uses "El," the Hebrew word for God, but it is just a general term referring to the creator or divine mind behind creation. When he talks about how God is revealed in Scripture, he begins using the word YAHWEH, a personal name used only by those who knew Him personally.
God is made visible through creation. God is made visible through the Scriptures. And finally, He is made visible through His kids, you and I. That last one is unsettling. Why would God choose to reveal Himself through weak and frail people? That is a mystery, but it is true!
As you read and pray through this Psalm this weekend, listen closely to how Jesus speaks to you through His word. He cares about you and the things going on in your life. Posture yourself this weekend to lean in and hear what He is saying.
I can't wait to gather and worship our Lord together this weekend!
Pastor Nathan