
2 Corinthians 12:1-10
Thorn in the Flesh

Paul's thorn in the flesh

Have you ever wondered about Paul's thorn in the flesh? 

This is a question that has provoked many attempted answers and lots of debates over the years. 

Take some time and read 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. In fact, go and read 2 Corinthians 10-12; it will give you some context for why Paul said what he said. 

Paul is addressing the Corinthian church. This very immature group of people had caused Paul much trouble. Paul displays much patience in his correspondence with this persnickety group of Jesus followers. Amid his patience, Paul shows his irritation in some of his more sarcastic remarks. He also feels the need to defend his apostolic authority, but then, while doing so, he is concerned they will put him on too high of a pedestal, so he talks about his weakness. He doesn't want the Corinthians to think too highly of him; he wants to point them to Jesus. 

But, in this conversation, Paul lets us in on a personal weakness/struggle he calls his "thorn in the flesh." Paul does not say precisely what this 'thorn' is, but you get the sense that whatever it is, it is pretty severe. 

So, what could it be? Could it be a physical sickness, a constant temptation, or the fact that he is constantly being persecuted and attacked and forced to live in miserable conditions? What do you think when you read about it? 

As you read, think about what might be your 'thorn in the flesh.' What in your life is a constant irritation which has made you think (or pray), 'If only this were removed, my life would be so much better'? 

As you ponder, meditate and pray on Jesus words to Paul in 2 Cor. 12:9. 

I can't wait to jump into this together this weekend! 

Pastor Nathan