
Matthew 18:21-35

In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus brings us the parable of the unmerciful servant and the grace, mercy and generosity of the king. 

There are laws of nature and there are laws of the spiritual realm, and as with the law of gravity, for instance, whether you believe in the law of gravity or not, it will nevertheless always be there and will always affect your life, for good or bad depending on your response to it – ignore it or violate it and suffer; honour it and be safe. The same is true in the spiritual realm, and the law of forgiveness is one such law. Ignore or violate it and suffer; honour it and live in peace. 

We will be digging into what Jesus has to say about forgiveness, and we will be thinking together about:

Why forgive?

What forgiveness is not.

What forgiveness is.

How we can forgive.