David Dances, Uzzah Dies This Sunday, we will dive into a passage of Scripture that has puzzled Jesus' followers for many years. This weekend, read 2 Samuel 6, especially the section about Uzzah. In this story, David has recently become King and is moving the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. David loves God, and since the Ark of the Covenant represents the very presence of God on earth, David wants to have the Ark near him to show that he is looking to God to help him lead and guide the people of Israel. David wants his reign as king to be blessed by God almighty. But things do not go well for David and his crew while moving the Ark of the Covenant. During the move, the Ark almost falls to the ground, and when a man named Uzzah reaches out to steady the Ark, he is struck down by God! I want to encourage you to do some digging this weekend. What is the Ark of the Covenant? What do you observe in this story? Why did God strike Uzzah down? Compare Uzzah and David. The text tells us that Uzzah simply touched the Ark and was struck down, but David was angry at God in front of the whole congregation, yet he was not struck down. What is going on here? What does this story teach us about God? I can't wait to gather and worship Jesus with you this weekend! See you Sunday! Pastor Nathan