
Acts 15:1-35


Does making decisions come effortlessly for you? Or do you have a tendency toward indecision? When you are struggling with a decision, what do you do? Do you flip a coin? Do you pray? Do you seek advice? Or, do you just wing it? 

In Acts chapter 1, one of the first orders of business after the ascension of Jesus and His Great Commission is for the apostles to choose an apostle to replace Judas, who had hung himself. Do you know how they made the decision? They narrowed it down to two options and flipped a coin! Okay, the Scriptures don't say they 'flipped a coin', but they did "cast lots." Casting lots was a common practice in the Old Testament. There is no explanation in the Bible about what casting lots actually looked like. It was a similar practice to drawing straws, flipping a coin, or casting dice. They would pray and ask God to speak, cast lots, and then trust that God had spoken. He often spoke using this method. 

But, after the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, the way Jesus' followers made decisions changed drastically. Where they used to cast lots, they now sought the will of God and listened to the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

This weekend, read Acts 15:1-35. This passage tells us the story of how the early church dealt with the most divisive issue of the day. They had to make a decision regarding an issue that could have split the early church. As they sought the will of God together, they came to an agreement. This very diverse group of people was somehow united in this important decision. They simply said, "It seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit." 

This weekend, we are going to talk about guidance. What does it look like to seek guidance as a community of Jesus followers? What does it look like to see guidance in our own individual lives? 

Have you ever included other trusted friends/Jesus followers in important decisions in your life? Have you ever gathered friends together to ask for prayer and counsel and then waited for God to speak before moving forward on a decision? 

I can't wait to gather and worship our Lord together this Sunday! 

Pastor Nathan