
John 14:15-31

This is the first time Jesus introduces His disciples to the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John. Prior to this section, there are a couple of brief mentions of the Holy Spirit, but nothing in-depth. In John's Gospel Jesus waits until He is about to go to the cross to teach His followers about who the Holy Spirit is. 

Take some time this weekend, in preparation for Sunday, and study this passage. Try to put out of your mind what you know about the Holy Spirit and focus on what Jesus has to say about Him here in this passage. Here are a couple of questions to get you started: 

- Who is the Holy Spirit in relation to Jesus and God? 

- What is the word Jesus uses to describe the Holy Spirit in this passage? Read this passage in a couple of different Bible translations. What differences do you see in how the Holy Spirit is described? Try and discover the specific Greek word that is used here, what does it mean? What does it teach us about who the Holy Spirit is? 

- What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Jesus follower? What does He do in, for, and through us? 

As I have been working to prepare this message I have been aware of the fact that simply teaching about the Holy Spirit will have little or no impact unless people encounter Him in a tangible way. It is my hope and desire that you will encounter the Holy Spirit in a personal and tangible way. Ask Him to speak to you this weekend, and invite Him to fill you up with Himself.