Meet a friend BBQ Sunday
It’s BBQ Sunday! We'd love it if you stay for the hotdogs and meet someone new after the service. Our desire is that Transformation Church community becomes connected to each other. Let's challenge ourselves to do just that and let's use these hotdogs to connect! Remember to bring your own chair. We have found some drug paraphernalia on the lawn. We are doing a quick look before the Sunday service, but we would highly suggest no bare feet. |
Connecting with a Pastor
Wondering how to get connected with one of us Interim Pastors? Feel free to come find us on Sunday mornings. (Caleb, Gene, Randy or myself) Also, we can be reached at office@transformtbay.com. We check that email daily. A link to this email address can be found on our website.
For more infomation visit:
Be a Berean
It is BBQ Sunday, and yes, mustard is an important part of any hot dog BBQ (opinions may differ) but Jesus’ parable on Mustard does not include Hot Dogs or ketchup. As you ponder the Mustard Seed parable from Matthew 13, why is the kingdom of heaven likened to a tiny mustard seed? What is the meaning behind that small beginning? Once grown the mustard seed germinates to become a tree. How does the kingdom of heaven grow bigger? Once the mustard tree has developed the birds come to rest in its branches. How does the kingdom of heaven provide rest for birds? Who are the birds? How does the kingdom of heaven provide rest? As a follower of Jesus where do you fit in this parable? What responsibilities lay with you? What actions to be taken? For more infomation visit: https://transformationchurchtbay.com/podcasts/sunday-messages/2024-07-15-the-prodigal-son
Marten Falls
Our team is here in Marten Falls. Thank you for praying. Last night we were talking with a kookum (grandmother). She lit up as her and Jesse discussed the possibility of starting a church in Marten Falls. She went on to tell us that a relative wishes to be baptized! May this be so! Our theme for this trip is Cooking and Baking, and we hope to engage the kids around these topics. Since arriving Wednesday night we’ve done “make your own Pizza” night. We’ve done our Kooking Kick Off, and our Outdoor Chili Adventure Race where he hid Chili ingredients in the community for the kids to find. This race finished off with can opener contests and one huge pot of delicious chili which we shared in the community feast. Matthew and I have had the chance to get in an intense sweaty game of floor hockey with the teens. As you gather in Thunder Bay on Sunday so we too will we will be gathering in the school gym with community members to worship Jesus. Come Lord Jesus! Blessings, Pastor Jeremy |